Tuesday 29 May 2012

The new job

Today I decided to feature two outfits in one post since they both revolve around the same subject: my new job. I just got a position as a cashier at my local rexall pharma plus! I am soo excited!

This first outfit here is what I wore when I dropped off my resume. I paired my minty cardigan with my favorite shoes: the same edalman rose gold spiky flats.

This next ensemble is what I wore to the interview. I wore these new flats from Giant Tiger that are very missoni esque.

Tuesday 15 May 2012

Galaxy diy + oodt

Here is another quick diy project you guys can accomplish for a low low price. All you need is a plain shirt ( no white), a small spray bottle, a stencil and bleach.

So the first thing your gonna wanna do is print out a an image of your choice and cut it out to create a stencil. I chose to use a stencil of a cross. Once your stencil is created tape it to your shirt.
Next you are gonna want to fill up a small spray bottle full of bleach.

Then you will  spray your shirt, very carefully as to not spray outside of the stencil.
Once the bleach has lightened your shirt enough you will want to wash and dry it. and voila!

 With some left over bleach I decided to spray some black cut off shorts I had.

And now for an outfit of the day rocking my galaxy creation hope you enjoy!!!

Cardigan: gifted, top: diy, Jeans: Pacsun, Shoes: giant tiger, Belt: salvation army

Thursday 10 May 2012

The challenge

Hello everyone! I have thought up of an idea, a little challenge per say that I will attempt to accomplish often enough. The challenge will be to recreat outfits I find in magazines, on weheartit, other blogs etc with items that I find at the thrift store only! The only thing that I can not promise is that my shoes will always be thrifted seeing as I find it very hard to find my size of shoes at thrift stores... Hopefully me doing these little challenge's will help you guys see the potential in your own thrift stores and make you see that you can find very trendy pieces for a fraction of the retail price. So the first outfit I will recreat is this one I found on Weheartit.
And now for my version! I got this Tiger print top at value village (apparently this is store is called savers in the states) for 6 dollars. I realize the girl in the image above has a cheetah print shirt but I feel that the color, print and material were similar enough. I got these dark boot cut jeans, by bongo, at the bibles for mission thrift store for 4 dollars. My simple black belt with gold hardware that I got at goodwill for 3 dollars. I chose to wear these little slip on sandals that I got at giant tiger, I chose these since they werent very expensive soo I thought they would still work well in this thrifted outfit. I also wore this gold watch I purchased at goodwill for 2 dollars. I woulda worn shades but it was very rainy out today.

I wore this out to dinner for my boyfriend 19 birthday. We went out to this really cool restaurant where you pick out your own items, sorta like a buffet but the food is uncooked and somewhat unseasoned and you choose your own combanation of sauce and the chef cooks it infront of you. It was a pretty good time.

Tuesday 8 May 2012

dye day

Today was the first beautiful day in quite some time so I decided that it was time to do some dyeing projects I have been wanting to do. I was inspired by these distressed dyed studded shorts I have been seeing everywhere online! I knew I could easily diy these instead of paying the ridiculous price these companies ask for. Soo here it is :) Hope you guys enjoy!

My inspiration:
My interpretation:
Step 1: Find some denim shorts that you dont mind maybe messing up. I just cut up some old jeans that I did not wear anymore. You can distress them as much or as little as you like.
Step 2: Take an elastic band and separate the shorts into two sections, this will separate where the two colors go.
Step 2:  Mix up your dye and dip on section of shorts into it. You can follow the package instruction for the amount of time they sugest or you can just eyeball it.
Step 3: Once you finish one side, mix the other dye and repeat the exact same step on the other side.
Step 4: This is the final dye result.
Step 5: Add studs where you please. I studded one pair with some star studs and the other pair with pyramid studs I had left over from other projects.

Monday 7 May 2012

ravishing red

Today me and my sister did a little bit of shopping at IKEA and aldo. It was pretty in and out but still decided to get a little dressed up! It was all worth it when the girl working at thaï express complimented my skirt. What I purchased will be featured soon on here :)

Lace top: Forever 21, Tank top: Walmart, Skirt: Goodwill, Shoes: Giant tiger, Clutch: Goodwill